Once you have your business idea and you have validated initially, you need to know who’s taking the money from your future customers now. Because until you know in deep to your competitors you can’t focus on the “unfair advantage” you are going to develop to bring customers from them to you.
Category: Passive Income
Everything related to passive income
Here’s a quick way of validating business ideas before investing time or money.
Do you like to have a good insight into your business idea even before investing any time or money? Validating business ideas is a key thing when you are developing a new project, and now I’m going to tell you the quickest way I learned to do it before the costs start to be a […]
Describe your Business idea the right way
Do you already have a business idea in your mind, and now you’d like to know how to take it from there to a two-sentence tweet? Well, this article is going to help you in the process to describe your business idea properly.
First 100 days of Freenancial Exposed. The 5 biggest mistakes I made
Starting a new business is always a challenge when you are an entrepreneur. Do you like to know the 5 biggest mistakes I made during the first 100 days? I’m sure that it could be really helpful if you are able to avoid it. Let’s go: THE 5 BIGGEST MISTAKES: When I realized that Freenancial […]
Passive income definition and 5 ways to generate them from home
In this article, I’m going to tell you what passive income really is. I was reluctant to write this post because I thought there was enough information about passive income out there so this wasn’t going to add any value. But I’ve seen hundreds of articles talking about this subject, and many of them are still wrong […]
How to create a great blog post
Today, I want to show you how to create a great blog post, one that is really good from a technical point of view. I’ll present you the exact process we go through in order to publish valuable posts for our readers and, besides, to help Google show them in their first pages. No empty […]
Hostgator Review (2019). Why we chose them instead of Bluehost
If you want to start your online business you may know by now that choosing a Hosting is a very important step. I could write a post only trying to have a lot of visits, with a title that doesn’t tell you anything in order for you to click on it, open the post […]
IMPORTANT NOTE: from now on, all the Monthly Income Reports are in a single page, with an accumulated graph an all the info you need: Go here to check them!! Monthly Reports Today I was thinking why many successful entrepreneurs in the passive income area don’t show their first months of activity. And I think […]
IMPORTANT NOTE: from now on, all the Monthly Income Reports are in a single page, with an accumulated graph an all the info you need: Go here to check them!! Monthly Reports Disclaimer: This monthly income report has a loooot of work, and not much money! hehehehe INFO ABOUT THE MONTHLY INCOME REPORTS […]