Passive income definition and 5 ways to generate them from home

In this article, I’m going to tell you what passive income really is. I was reluctant to write this post because I thought there was enough information about passive income out there so this wasn’t going to add any value. But I’ve seen hundreds of articles talking about this subject, and many of them are still wrong […]

How the F-Shaped Pattern can make your blog fail.

I’m going to be totally honest with you. I got mad the moment I found out about this F-Shaped Pattern. Deep down, I felt that creativity and improvisation were losing relevance and space in the online world. But then, cold-headed, I started thinking logically. I told myself: “Luis: if you know that this is your […]

How to do keyword research for your blog EASILY.

Let’s imagine this situation:  You have a very good idea and you’re going to write a great blog post. You only want to start writing your ideas as they are flowing from your mind. But then, someone says:  Have you already done keyword research for that article you’re creating? Bummm. You’re done. Another time those […]

7 blog post introduction you can be proud of

The blog post introduction is, probably, the most important element that would determine if the reader stays in your blog or jumps to another website immediately. Do you need a guide to check if your introduction is good enough? What do you think is important when you’re trying to write an introduction? Today I’m going […]

Place keywords on your blog post as Mr. Google likes it.

Probably you have found a lot of information about how to do keywords research. But after that maybe you’re asking yourself:  what should I do next? Well, you need to learn how to place keywords properly on your blog post.  This post is about how to place keywords in a way that’s more likely for […]

The best blog post template (after making a lot of mistakes).

Have you ever wondered if the structure you use in your blog posts, makes them easier to read and enjoy? I’ve noticed, after a lot of posts and mistakes from the past, that it’s fundamental to have a blog post template to organize your content and make it clear and well structured for the reader. In […]

One trick to create a catchy article title.

A trick to create an article title? What am I doing talking about “tricks” if I hate them? Well, if I want to tell you what does it work and what doesn’t I have to try everything. And I have to tell you that this trick really works. And it’s not a dirty trick. It’s […]

Mastering Divergent Thinking: The BEE technique

Do you like to know a way to get to find great ideas and make good decisions? That is what you use Divergent Thinking for. Now I’m going to show you the “Bee Technique”, the method I developed using Divergent and Convergent Thinking. With it, I already helped a lot of people from the companies […]

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